Monday, 23 September 2019

Poker Tables And Dealers Keep The Game Fair

The perfect poker experience is essential to an enjoyable honest game, yet so many people rely on the trust of their friends at the table.  Honesty would be nice amongst friends at the poker table but if there is an easy way to cheat to win money, do not count on them becoming forthright with their truthfulness.  The fact is poker is a game of deceit and lies.  You cannot expect people to be honest when they are constantly lying to you about what cards they have.  So if you cannot trust your friends who can you trust?
Home poker games are all about trust.  The only way they keep coming is if the game stays honest.  There is a laundry list of items to go through to ensure your game is fair.  The first item up for discussion is the dealer.  You need an unbiased, honest dealer that everyone can agree to.  Preferably you need to find a professional card dealer.  There are plenty of dealers that work part time at local casinos.  You can easily ask one of the dealers to work at your house for tips and an hourly wage.  You will find they will gladly agree to those terms.
Keeping your players honest, means having your home game organized.  The best way to do that is to pick up a poker table.  Poker tables provide a level of organization that an ordinary table cannot provide.  Further the poker table top is the perfect surface to prevent cards from slipping off the table, or to another player.  These kinds of mishaps can cause serious issues, especially if someone picks up two aces and then has to give them back because two other players were given the wrong cards.  Poker tables also help determine where the pot is.  Too many times there has been confusion as to where a pot pile.  Many fights break out because someone has left their personal chips too close to the middle of the table.
An honest game is a fun game.  Everybody will feel comfortable if they know they are all playing a fair game.  Do not let an argument ruin a friendship because someone feels as though they have been cheated.  If you want to have a good time then make sure you get a professional dealer to keep the game in order.  Do not overlook the importance of a quality poker table either.


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